Mtr presents
Memphis 13 Winter Conference
February 10, 2024 | 8 am - 1 pm
empowered to move:
Honoring Social Justice Action in Memphis Schools
Join us as we acknowledge and celebrate the legacy of the Memphis 13, the thirteen African-American students who desegregated Memphis schools in 1961. We will dive into their journey and learn from some incredible local teachers who are bringing equity to life in their classrooms. Scroll down for the details!
Conference Schedule
8:00 - 8:20 am
Opening reception
8:25 - 8:45 am
framing & devotion
8:50 - 9:20 am
teacher-led learning bursts
9:25 - 10:55 am
Keynote speaker
10:55 - 11:10 am
11:10 - 11:40 am
content planning workshops
11:45 am - 12:50 pm
Lunch & learn with the memphis 13
12:50 - 1:00 pm
closing & raffle
Guest Speakers
Dr. Gina Tillis
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Alphonso Saville IV
Facilitator & Devotion Leader
Teacher-Led Learning Bursts
You Teach Science, But Can You TALK Science?
Amelia Kimbro, MTR c/o 2022
(K-5 | Science & MLL)Attendees will enhance delivering science content through attention to the required language to make student thinking and expression possible (such as syntax and polysemous words and phrases). Attendees will engage in examples with comprehensible input, vocabulary (Tier 1 → Tier II and Tier III), sentence structures, etc.
Station Rotation Implementation
Amber Pittman, MTR c/o 2022
(K-5 | All content areas)Attendees will find ways to use stations in order to help students thrive during Tier 1 instruction and to help them become facilitators of their learning process.
Building Thinking Classrooms: Sharing Struggles and Successes
Justin Siebert, MTR c/o 2012
(K-12 | Science & Math)In this burst session, we’ll share successes, struggles, and insights gained from our classrooms as we’ve implemented practices from Peter Liljedahl’s book, Building Thinking Classrooms (BTC). And if you don’t know what BTC is, we’ll give you the elevator pitch for how BTC can get your students thinking deeply about the math and science content you teach!
Introducing Visual Vocabulary into Daily Science Practice
Ivy Hill, MTR c/o 2022
(6-12 | Science & MLL)Science is full of Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 vocabulary interacting in ways that students are unfamiliar with. In classes with many ELLs, Tier 1 vocab can get in the way of their understanding academic vocabulary. Implementing frequent visual supports can help students use vocabulary more flexibly and help them to use academic language in discourse. This burst will show many examples across Physical Science & Biology of how to incorporate visual vocabulary and easy ways to assess understanding, without requiring students to fully write their ideas (great for explore phase/ELL students!).
Coaching Sports in MSCIAA: What you need to know
Zach Emptage, MTR c/o 2021
(K-12 | All content areas)Coaching sports provides teachers with an incredible opportunity to connect with students outside of the classroom in something they are passionate about. However, many of the logistics that go along with coaching (scheduling games, arranging transportation, communicating with parents) can be overwhelming. The goal of this burst session is to provide teachers with strategies and resources for handling the logistical parts of coaching, so that they can focus on actually coaching and connecting with students.
5 Steps to Becoming an AP Teacher
Lizzie Fortin, MTR c/o 2022
(6-12 | All content areas)This burst will help teachers who want to become an AP teacher by detailing the process and timeline for becoming an AP teacher in the MSCS district.
Sunday Scaries and Sleep
Britney Bryson, LPC-MHSP, BC-TMH
(All | Life Track)Sundays and sleep do not have to be the enemy. And yet, with our stress levels and the demands of our lives, they definitely are hard to get along with. Let's explore how to turn Sunday scaries into our very own Sunday sanctuary, and how to make sleep our friend again.
Letitia R. Williams
(All | Life Track)Attendees can visit this burst to learn about free tax preparation support provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and other volunteer opportunities.
Drills and Decodables: Reading Strategies for Strong Readers
Mary Cartwright & Rachael Deen,
MTR c/o 2021
(K-5 | ELA)Have you been interested in incorporating or strengthening drills to improve your reading instruction every day? In this burst we will discuss routines that have allowed steady growth for all learners in our classrooms and we'll share ideas and resources for you to take back to your classroom.
Math Groups: Strategies to Sort Students for Effective Collaboration & Mastery
Conner Huie & Brandon Sweeney, MTR c/o 2022 & 2021
(6-12 | Math)The goal of this burst session is to equip teachers with strategies for grouping students using randomization, data, and student selection based on confidence. Teachers will also learn of different types of activities to use with students based on the style of grouping used. These strategies will equip students with the opportunity to collaborate with their peers in a supportive environment while being pushed toward mastery.
MTR Conference Workshop Presenters
Plan to attend a content planning workshop and add to your equity and inclusion practices from one of these talented educators.
Registration closes at midnight on Thursday, January 25. Please invite teachers on your grade level team, building administrators, or other colleagues! SCS teachers who attend will be eligible to receive PLZ hours using course code #35361. All participants will receive a certificate of completion that satisfies the state of TN PDP requirements. Please note that Life Track sessions do not qualify for PDP credit.
Don’t miss a unique opportunity to learn, fellowship, and be empowered to move.