CHRISTIAN LOVE | Mary Ann Rountree, Class of 2016
Christian Love is consistent.
I saw John when he was in 4th grade, the year before I taught him. He was unpredictable, emotionally explosive, and struggled significantly with engaging respectfully with his classmates and teacher. I just knew he’d be in my room the next year. From what I observed, I knew John needed love in consistency. I invested a great deal emotionally in John that year, teaching him ways to process his emotions, allowing him space to do so, requiring him to talk about things that happened, and determining consequences. It was exhausting to hold myself to such consistency and immensely rewarding to see him grow as a person, opening up academic opportunities he did not have before. Christian Love is consistent. God’s love remains the same; He does not give or take away based on anything I say or do.
Christian Love is received.
I experienced the loss of both of my parents, separately, within the first few years of teaching, both respectively mid school years. After being away for three weeks with the passing of my mom and last living parent, I was a mix of emotions returning to school. How would I have anything to give when I felt so depleted? My teammates and coworkers throughout the building greeted me with hugs, cards, flowers, and “let us help you ____ the next few weeks.” Love received. I watched my students walk in one by one, see me across the room, smile, and breathe a sigh of relief at my return. Love received. My friend, Kristyn, across town cooked and pre-packaged my lunches and dinners for a whole week. Love received. Joen, a student who kept to herself, gave me a card with the added message, “your mom would be proud of you.” Christian Love is received. I am able to give and receive love because God first loved me.
Christian Love is joy.
Every year, I look for and find new ways to add joy to the classroom. One year, I made up a classroom job called the Events Team. It was coveted. These students got to help with anything I needed set up, created, put away, etc. The Events Team helped me pull off a monthly surprise birthday party for students throughout the year, including simple snacks, a few streamers, a reusable handmade birthday banner, and personalized videos from my friends throughout the world. I would pick the day, and the Events Team would choose the time during the day to squeeze it in. It was quite comical to see the lengths they would go to try and keep it a surprise while still managing all the things! Every month, students looked forward to and anticipated the day they would be celebrated. Christian Love is joy. This love comes from the Father, the sustaining source of joy in my life.
Mary Ann Rountree, Class of 2016